
About Us

Jinzhou Special Welding Electrode Co.,Ltd. was founded in 1993, is located in Taihe District,Jinzhou City,Liaoning Province, is one of largest special welding consumable manufacturer. Crownalloy is the product brand of JTH (Jinzhou Special Welding Electrode Co.,Ltd.). JTH have more than 200 kinds of products. The real annual output is 3,000 metric tons MMA electrodes, FCW 3,000 metric tons, solid wire 5,000 metric tons and flux 1,500 metric tons. The welding consumables of JTH are as below.

Products Show

Address:No.88-8, Jin Yi Street, Tai He District, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, China
ZIP code:121017
Tel:0086-416-4180803 0086-416-4188888

Copyright ? Jinzhou Special Welding Electrode Co.,Ltd.

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